
How to Set up Bing Webmaster Tools: Step-By-Step

05/08/2022 12:00 AM by Admin in Seo checklist

How to Set up Bing Webmaster Tools: Step-By-Step

Did you know that the Bing search engine is the second biggest search engine in the world? Do you know that more than 1 billion users use Bing? Do you know that Bing is one of the best sources of traffic after Google? If you know all this, then you know how important it is to set up Bing Webmaster Tools.

If you didn't know all that, you still have the chance to set up Bing Webmaster tools and get additional SEO traffic to your site.

Definition: What are Bing Webmaster Tools? 


Bing Webmaster Tools (Bing WMT)allows website owners to add their websites to the Bing crawler. This free Microsoft service lets your content show up in the Bing search engine as well as helps you monitor and maintain the presence of your site.

In other words, you use Bing Webmaster Tools with the Bing search engine the same way you use Google Search Console with Google.


Whether you are a business owner, marketer or just a blogger, Bing Webmaster Tools will help you a lot with growing your business. 


Why is Bing Search Engine important?


As said before, the Bing search engine is the second largest search engine in the world and especially in the US. So, if you wanna run your business and get traffic from the US, you must let your website rank on Bing. 


The statistics say that 9.41% of the online audience uses Bing. You may not see the percentage as very impressive. However, if we talk with numbers, this means that 1.3 billion visitors come from the Bing search engine every month and 500 million of these visitors come from the US.

Why should we use Bing Webmaster Tools?

Bing Webmaster Tools are crucial to analyzing the overall performance of your website. It provides you with all the needed reports and statistics to see what the traffic sources of your site are. 

It has many benefits including:


  • Find the keywords which are driving traffic to your website
  • Find how many impressions and clicks you are getting. 
  • Discover the keywords for which your site is ranking. 
  • Monitor the performance of your site. 
  • Track how Bing crawls and indexes your site.
  • Submit your website to be crawled by Bing.
  • Determine which content you want to index and which you don't.
  • Resolve any malware or spam issues.

Set up Bing Webmaster tools to know how Bing views the content of your website, so you can solve any problems to improve your rankings and drive more traffic. 


How to Set Up Bing Webmaster Tools


You can set up Bing Webmaster Tools easily by a few steps. Keep reading to figure out these steps:


1- Create a Webmaster Tools account

Go to Bing Webmaster Tools then click "Sign Up" to create a new Webmaster Tools account, or you can just sign in if you already have one. 

If you have a Microsoft, Google, or Facebook account, you can use it for signing up. 

Once signing up is finished, you will be directed to the dashboard:

Submit URL to Bing

To add your website to Bing, Go to My Site. Type your URL and click "Add". 


2- Submit Sitemap to Bing

Now, you have to add your XML sitemap to Bing. You can use one of the free online tools (like Screaming Frog XML Sitemap Generator,, Inspyder Sitemap Creator, Flowmapp, etc…) to create sitemaps. 

The link to the sitemap usually appears like this: .

After creating your sitemap and uploading it to your server,go to Bing Webmasters Tool and paste it. Then click “Save”.



How to Verify Bing Webmaster Tools

Verifying Bing Webmaster Tools is simple and can be done by 3 methods:

1- XML File


To verify Bing Webmaster Tool by XML file:

  • Download the Bing XML file as the image below
  • Go to your domain’s root folder and upload this file.


  • Go to the link:
  • Click Verify


2- Meta Tag


You can also verify Bing Webmaster tools by adding a meta tag to your homepage. 

  • Copy the Meta tag from your Bing Webmaster Tools account. 
  • Go to the custom Html in your CMS and paste it under the head tag. 
  • Click "save". 


3- Hosting Provider: CNAME


To verify using this method, you have to add a CNAME record to the hosting provider you use.

These are the main 3 methods to set up Bing Webmaster Tools. However, if you use WordPress for your business, you can still complete the process using SEO Plugins. 


Verifying Bing Webmaster Tools with WordPress

If you're using WordPress, you can verify your profile in Bing Webmaster tools by installing a SEO Plugin:

Here is how to verify Bing Webmaster Tools with each plugin:

1- Yoast


To verify Bing Webmaster Tools using Yoast, we have to copy the meta tag( as we did in method 2 above) and paste it in Yoast by following these steps:

  • Open your WordPress dashboard. 
  • Go to SEO in the left menu.
  •  Click the Webmaster Tools tab.
  • Paste the tag in the box next to "Bing Verification code". 
  • Click "Save Changes"
  • Go to Bing Webmaster Tools and click "Verify" (As in the HTML tag method).

2- All In One SEO Pack

This process works if you have installed the All in One SEO Pack plugin on your website. 


  • Go to your WordPress dashboard. 
  • Click General Settings. 
  • Scroll down to the “Webmaster Verification” section.


  • All-in-One SEO Bing Webmaster Tools setup
  • Paste your HTML tag in the box as the image. 
  • Scroll again to the bottom and click the “Update Options” button. 

3- Rank Math


If you wanna use Rank Math to verify Webmaster Tools:

  • Go to the WordPress dashboard
  • Click the General Settings tab 
  • Click " Webmaster Tools" in the submenu, 
  • Paste your meta tag into the box
  • Save

Just like Google, Bing is very important for growing your business. Make sure to set up Bing Webmaster Tools to have more traffic to your website as well as more possible conversions.


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