HSV to Pantone Color Converter is a free online browser-based color conversion tool that instantly converts HSV color value to Pantone color.
As we already know, about the RGB Color Model, one of the famous color models, to mix and create the colors, where we combine the Red, Green, and Blue lights at various intensities (0 to 255) to generate all other colors. But the humans do not think about the colors as the mix of these three primary colors.
Suppose if the graphic designer students have to develop some complex color. Then how should they come to know about the exact intensities of these three primary colors? And what if we have to make that color whiter?
Therefore, to overcome that problem, the artist develop another way to define the colors, known as HSV Color Model. It is the cylindrical color model that remaps the RGB Color Model.
In the HSV Color Model
That Color Model is highly accepted because it presents the colors, how people relate to colors.
The Pantone Matching System (PMS) is an essential and standardized color matching system in the world. That system was introduced in 1963 to remove the problem of color matching in the printing industry.
Before the PMS, each printing company has its color guide, depending on how it translated the color. Therefore, that became quite challenging to match the exact color.
When people talk about the Pantone colors, they refer to the Pantone Matching System (PMS). The industries, designers, marketers, and creators are highly dependent upon it because they can share the Pantone code with any person without fear of color inaccuracy.
It is recognized as an authority in the world of colors, bringing the standards and consistency at the client and designer end and the printing and ink-making company end.
The HSV Color Model is the alternative representation of the RGB Color Model. That color model represents the color in a way, the Hue that color carries, how much Saturated it is, and its Brightness.
The HSV Color Model is more intuitive than the RGB Color Model. It is used to generate high-quality graphic results and is widely used in color pickers, image editing software, image analysis, computer vision. That color model is related to the digital display of the images.
The Pantone Matching System (PMS) is a color matching system and highly adopted by industries, designers, marketers, and creators. That color matching system helps you remove the color ambiguity. People can refer to the Pantone color code to keep their color accuracy.
The HSV to PMS conversion is quite essential. The HSV Color Model is close to humans because it represents the way humans relate to color. That color model is highly used in graphic design software. Therefore, to convert your digital image into a printed form, you need the HSV to PMS conversion.
For converting the HSV color value to Pantone, perform the following steps.
Note: The distance value helps you in getting your desired color. Having the smallest distance value allows you to get the Pantone color closest to the selected HSV color value. Suppose you do not get the desired color. You can increase the distance value to get more color options.