
Best CMYK to RGB Converter

04/17/2022 12:00 AM

Would you like to convert the CMYK color to an RGB model?

This is a free online color code converter, transforms a color hue to another color model, supports three color models, CMYK, RGB and HEX, they can be converted to each other.

  • CMYK to RGB and HEX
  • RGB to CMYK and HEX
  • HEX to RGB and CMYK


How to use this converter

  1. Input your color codes in any person shade version place, CMYK, RGB or HEX
  2. To convert CMYK to RGB, enter your CMYK coloration codes to CMYK location, for instance, cmyk(a hundred%, zero%, 33%, forty%)
  3. To convert CMYK to HEX, enter codes to CMYK area
  4. To transform RGB to CMYK, input your RGB colour codes to RGB location, for instance, rgb(30, 100, 220)
  5. To transform RGB to HEX, enter codes to RGB area
  6. To convert HEX to CMYK, input your HEX coloration codes to HEX place, as an example, #3b5376
  7. To transform HEX to RGB, input codes to HEX place
  8. Our color code converter will show outcomes interactively

How to convert CMYK to RGB

The Red, Green, Blue values are given in the range of 0..255, the red color(R) is calculated from the cyan(C) and black(K) colors, the green color(G) is calculated from the magenta(M) and black(K) colors, The blue color(B) is calculated from the yellow(Y) and black(K) colors. Below is the formula of CMYK to RGB convertion

  • Red = 255 × ( 1 - Cyan ÷ 100 ) × ( 1 - Black ÷ 100 )
  • Green = 255 × ( 1 - Magenta ÷ 100 ) × ( 1 - Black ÷ 100 )
  • Blue = 255 × ( 1 - Yellow ÷ 100 ) × ( 1 - Black ÷ 100 )


How to convert RGB to CMYK

The max number of R, G, B values are 255, first of all, we divided them by 255 to become the number of 0~1, this ratio will be used in the calculation.
  • Rc = R ÷ 255
  • Gc = G ÷ 255
  • Bc = B ÷ 255
The black key(K) color could be many result, when we assume a black key value, the other three colors(cyan, magenta, yellow) can be calculated. we can calculate it from the red, green and blue colors, the max number of black key should be :

K = 1 - max(Rc, Gc, Bc);

or we can assume we run out of the black ink, need use the remaining other three color inks to finish the printing job.

K = 0;

The cyan color(C) is calculated from the red and black colors:

C = (1 - Rc - K) ÷ (1 - K)

The magenta color (M) is calculated from the green and black colors:

M = (1 - Gr - K) ÷ (1 - K)

The yellow color(Y) is calculated from the blue and black colors:

Y = (1 - Bc - K) ÷ ( 1 - K)