
Babel Formatter

04/12/2022 12:00 AM

Babel Formatter Online

Babel is JS compiler which helps to use next-gen JS today, for more info visit Babeljs.io

Babel Formatter enables to format any non-formatted or unpleasant babel script and facilitates to keep and proportion babel script.

What can you do with Babel Formatter?

  • It enables to beautify your Babel script.
  • This tool allows loading the Babel URL to decorate. Use your Babel URL to beautify. Click on on the URL button, enter URL and put up.
  • Babel Formatter helps .Js, .Cjs, .Mjs document, upload file and format.
  • Babel beautifier online works properly on home windows, MAC, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, edge, and Safari.

Example of Babel

Babel data

function CarInsurance({ greeting = "Welcome", silent = false, onMouseOver }) {
  if (!greeting) {
    return null;