
Free Keyword Research Tool

05/08/2022 12:00 AM

Free Keyword Research Tool (Explained):


Are you a writer or a blogger who wants to do keyword research before you create content? And are you on a budget? If yes, then look no further than the free Keyword Research Tool by H-Supertools because of several reasons.

It’s 100% free, easy to use, and highly accurate. Our keyword finder uses Google Autosuggestions to generate a list of related keywords for any topic in any niche. The algorithm helps you get the best keywords for your website or blog. 

And it’s the best alternative to Google Keyword Planner, and it’s because the data is directly coming from Google. Read on to delve into the tool in detail right now.  

Free Keyword Research Tool – The Best Alternative to Google Keyword Planner

Google has a free keyword tool called Google Keyword Planner to know the exact phrases people use. You cannot see the actual monthly search volume with the Keyword Planner. For that, you may need to run an AdWords campaign. 

And that costs you money, however, it should not put you off the tool. Since you can do keyword research in H-Supertools, you can get almost the exact monthly search volume for your keywords. 

The Keyword Planner can be free if you ‘create an account without a campaign.’ But then it requires a lot of clicks. The best alternative to finding your keywords is sifting through our Keyword Research Tool. It has a lot of valuable features we’ll reveal later. 

But for now, let’s jump on understanding how it works so that you can trust using it.

How The Keyword Research Tool Works

Google Autosuggest or Autocomplete is an extremely valuable feature of Google Search. The purpose is to speed up the search process for the users. Our Keyword Research Tool helps you hone the power of Autosuggest in seconds. 

But then you may wonder why you should use it in the first place when you can use the Autosuggest or Autocomplete feature by yourself.

Well, you need to use our tool because it speeds up the process and saves you time. It also gives you many metrics, such as CPCs or volumes, to determine which keywords to prioritize. 

Are you a blogger, digital nomad, or business owner? If so, the only way you’re going to succeed is by making people visit your website or blog. And the best method to do it is to create content around the words people use to search for a query. 

The tool is a keyword explorer or finder, which helps you find the right keywords for your site. Let’s get to know how it works now. 

  • Visit the tool
  • Enter a seed keyword
  • And click on ‘Search.’

The Keyword Research Tool then searches Google and metrics like monthly volume, paid competition, and CPC. After that, you decide on which keywords are perfect for your blog or site.

Remember that the magic happens as you search your seed keyword.

But what is a seed keyword anyway?

It’s a major keyword in your niche, which is usually short and consists of one or two words only. It’s where your keyword research starts. For example, if you’re in the niche of marketing and want to define it in the first place. 

Then your seed keyword may be, ‘what is marketing’ or just ‘marketing.’ As you search for your seed or major keyword, you’ll find all the keywords related to it. Here’s what you can find with ‘what is marketing’:

What is marketing

  • a) What is a marketing mix
  • b) What is a marketing automation
  • c) What is a marketing strategy
  • d) What is marketing research
  • e) What is marketing management
  • f) What is a marketing plan
  • g) What is a marketing campaign
  • h) What is marketing attribution
  • i) What is a marketing funnel

And more. It becomes easy for you to choose a particular keyword based on paid competition, monthly volume, or CPC. 

Why Use Keyword Research Tool by H-Supertools

Still not impressed? Then have a look at some of the top benefits you enjoy while using our keyword tool. 

Use It for Free, Even Without Creating An Account

By using our keyword generator, you don’t need to pay anything or create an account. It means you will not be required to give your credit card information or email address. And it also saves tons of time. 

What you need to do is go to our Keyword Research Tool and use it! It’s a user-supported tool that is free and always will be. 

Customize Your Keyword Research With Options

Sometimes you want to do keyword research for a particular country. And other times, you want to go global. The ‘Keyword Research Options’ given to the right of this tool has two options:

  • Target (Country)
  • Language (English)
  • Extended ‘keywords’ limit (Sign-in required)

Use the first option to do keyword research to target a global audience or a particular country. Our Keyword Research Tool supports the US, UK, Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, and South Africa. As for languages, we’re currently working on them. 

Get to Know the Monthly Search Volume for Free

Our tool is a keyword popularity tool and can also be called a ‘keyword traffic estimator. It means you can get to know the monthly search volume for your keywords for free. And then, you can estimate the traffic potential to your site depending on a lot of factors. 

The search volume for a keyword is an extremely valuable metric to consider when researching for your blog. It helps you prioritize content as well. For example, you would like to first focus the keyword with 1200 then 600 search volume, considering other factors constant. 

Explore the Paid Competition for a Particular Keyword

When prioritizing keywords, you must understand the paid competition for them. Our Keyword Research Tool on H-Supertools categorizes them into:

  • Low competition
  • Medium competition
  • High competition

The tool decides this on the data given by Google AdWords. If the paid competition for a keyword is low, you can easily rank for it with ads. But then it must be of low value as well. Prioritize your keywords accordingly. 

Discover the CPC to Prioritize Keywords

CPC is the cost per click in online advertising, and it’s the amount advertisers pay for each click to the advertising platforms like Google AdWords. And it’s extremely important to discover the high CPC keywords because you enjoy substantial revenue as a publisher. 

The good news? Our Keyword Research Tool helps you tap the CPC for all your keywords. And then, you can easily prioritize keywords depending on the CPC. It’s usually in US Dollars. For example, CPC for ‘online marketing is $5.24.

You’ll get almost $5.24 per click on the ads displayed within your content for the keyword. CPC can be helpful to understand the value and competitiveness of keywords as well. Read this post on high CPC keywords if you want to dig deeper into the subject. 

Find Easy-to-Rank Keywords 

When you enter your seed keyword, you get relevant keywords and the data using our related keyword generator. And if you select a specific keyword from the result, you can also tap the associated keywords, and they are super helpful in tapping the long-tail keywords. 

There is nothing as ‘easy to rank’ in the internet marketing world. But the data shows that there are some keywords with greater difficulty for ranking on SERPs than others. And easy-to-rank keywords are usually the long-tail ones with three or more words.